2007 05 Wyoming



Photo Travel

2007 05 22 Denver to Rawlins

2007 05 23 Rawlins, Wyoming Frontier Prison

2007 05 24 Rawlins, Wyoming Frontier Prison

2007 05 25 Rawlins, Wyoming Frontier Prison

2007 05 26 Lander

2007 05 27 Black Butte, Reliance

2007 05 28 Saratoga, Encampment

2007 05 29 Saratoga LP Mill, Weather

2007 05 30 Saratoga LP Mill

2007 05 31 Rawlins to Hyattville

2007 06 01 Hyattville to Gillette

2007 06 02 Gillette

2007 06 03 Gillette to Denver






2007 05 23 Rawlins, Wyoming Frontier Prison

Today I spent all day shooting inside the Wyoming Frontier Prison in Rawlins, Wyoming. This is quite a spooky old structure, originally built in the 1890s, and in operation until 1981. The original cell block, Block A, did not have hot water until 1978. Rawlins is at an elevation of about 6800 feet, and it is windy and cold here in the winter. This would have been a grim place to spend time.

This first group of pictures (above) is the cafeteria and kitchen. The stainless steel tables in the cafeteria are quite striking, and like everything else, have been made to be difficult to disassemble. The bottom two in the above group are the kitchen and bakery. All of this is in what I could call a state of "arrested decay".

The two above and immediately below are Cell Block B, the second block built at the prison. This block runs north south so both sides get some sunlight. The original Block A ran east west so the north side of A Block really never got any sun. The cells in B are slightly larger than in A, but I could still put my arms out and my palms flat on the opposing walls and not be able to lock my elbows.

The next two are A Block, built with the prison. The cells in this block are so small as to be essentially impossible to photograph. In the picture on the right below you can see an "isolation" cell. Door, no window, no light.

The next set is the "barber" cell and my attempt to get a shot of one of the regular cells. The very wide angle lens eliminates most of the claustrophobia you feel when in one of these. They are grim. Each inmate did get to pick his cell color however. Some of the colors were very subtle, others screamed at you.

More photos tomorrow.